
The sales CRM tool that helps you  organize, track and manage your deals, leads and contacts. With our integration you can convert conversations into PipelineDeals contacts to keep track of your customer interactions.
Button “Create Account” →

Step 1

Go to the Add-ons section and select the PipelineDeals configure option.

Step 2

Here you can enter your API Token.
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PipelineDeals Credentials

You can find your API Token in your PipelineDeals "Account Settings → API integrations".
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Sending conversations to PipelineDeals

In the Message Center, you can now manually send conversations to PipelineDeals via the action bar above the conversation
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or via chat command in the input field.
$pipelinedeals - Create PipelineDeals contact from current conversation
Under All conversations you can also send multiple conversations to the add-on.