
This is a short version based on Squarespace’s own tutorial. To read their full documentation, click here.

Step 1

In your Squarespace home menu, go to Settings > Advanced > Code Injection.
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Step 2

Paste your Userlike Widget code in the Footer box.
Find the unique Widget code under Channels > Website Widgets > Select a Widget > Install > JavaScript Widget code
<script type="text/javascript" async src="https://userlike-cdn-widgets.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/0311e734d84c528de0eXXe40471bf66734d7XX8079b994309a18XXXXXaa79fe910.js"></script>
To avoid CSS conflicts with the chat client, we advise you not to use iframe { !important } in your CSS. Better be more specific and exclude the Userlike chat client by using iframe:not(.userlike) { !important }.
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Step 3

Save the setting and the Userlike Widget will be visible on your website.

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